Deciding which college or university will be right for you to further your education and start your career can be tricky. A factor of this decision that is often overlooked or seen as not-so-important is school size. After deciding on a very small school, I learned that size totally does matter. Here's some reasons why:
Pro: It's easy to get around! Waking up 10 minutes before class is such a blessing
Con: There's not always much to do. Some days you can find yourself pulling your hair out from boredom
Pro: You know everyone! This means you almost always have someone to hang out with, study with, or get food with. Never miss out on opportunities to do things!
Con: ... you know everyone. When you know everyone, you know all of their business. Which means they know all of yours, regardless of how hard you try to keep things secret.
Pro: Smaller classes! It's so much easier to learn in smaller classes. You also get to have a more personable relationship with your professors, which can benefit you greatly.
Con: Sporting events aren't huge. They're just not.
Pro: You matter! 1/1700 is a lot more then 1/30,000. You have much more of a say in what goes on. You also won't feel alienated.
Con: Greek life is not common. If your college dream was to go to lots of frat parties, you might find yourself having to visit friends' schools pretty often.