Do you frequently find yourself rewriting sentences or even entire essays? Does getting a 99 on a test annoy you because you almost had a perfect 100? If so, you might be a perfectionist. Don't worry; perfectionism isn't usually terminal, but here are some of the pros and cons you might deal with.
Pro: You Set High Standards For Yourself
Setting high standards for yourself can be very helpful on the road to success because it means that you're committed to doing your best!
Con: You Can Be Tough On Yourself
Because your standards are so high, you sometimes beat yourself up when things don't go perfectly.
Pro: You Have A Clear Vision Of How Things Should Be
Vision is an important quality that employers look for and leaders need.
Con: You Get Upset When Reality Doesn't Match That Vision
You're so convinced that your vision is right that you can't stand when reality doesn't meet your expectations.
Pro: You Won't Settle For Good Enough
"Good enough is rarely good and never great" is basically your motto! You're willing to work until you get it right.
Con: You Won't Settle For Good Enough
There is a point where you should cut your losses and go home. However, you've never been able to locate this point.
Pro: You're A Reliable Student/Employee
You can be counted on to do your work and do it well, and that reliability can take you far in life!
Con: You Can't Manage A Lot Of Tasks At Once
Unfortunately, you're so dedicated to each individual task that you don't have the time or energy to multitask.
Pro: Your Work Is Often Above Average
Your dedication to your work shines through in your results, and the effort that you put into it pays off!
Con: Your Motivation Is Directly Tied To Success
If you don't see things living up to your expectations, your motivation evaporates, and you're tempted to give up on it altogether.
Pro: You Get Things Done By A Deadline
You're good with deadlines! Your work is almost always on time and usually very well done.
Con: You're Not Going To Finish Until The Deadline
You're going to use every last second making changes until you deem it perfect. If it's due at midnight, you'll submit it at midnight.
Ultimately, perfectionism isn't inherently good or bad, and you can even work to overcome the cons. Just keep going, do your best, and be content with your results! (Yeah right, I know. But it's worth a try!