When living in a house with three other siblings they learn from things that you have done and things that you have not done. Although there are many pros, there are a few cons that go along with it. We have all experienced at least of few of these things listed below.
Being the maker of the rules.
We all get to be the first to do things at certain ages that set the limits and rules set for our siblings by our parents, whether it be going to concerts, going out places normally you couldn't go without a parent, getting cell phones or a car, and losing the dreaded curfew.
You're the first to do things.![]()
As the oldest you get to be the first to do pretty much everything from lose a tooth, todrive, to legally go out to bars, to being first to graduate.
You get to learn the life altering secrets first![]()
Yeah remember when you found out Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth fairy were all actually two people who took care of you and you couldn't tell your siblings.
You get to watch them grow up.![]()
Admit it: even though you can get on each other's nerves from time to time, you look away for a second and all of a sudden they have grown up and now you're stuck feeling old as they start to drive, go to college, and do other things that you thought they were still to young to do.
You become a free babysitter![]()
Just when you start to be trusted home alone, your parents add on the responsibility of making sure your siblings don't blow the house up and keeping them alive while they go out shopping or out for the night.
You become a Chauffeur
Once you get the car and the license it becomes time to repay your debt to your parents driving you around to the places you wanted to go for years by driving your siblings everywhere.
You have to be the responsible one![]()
We all have to be perfect, make sure that we set the good image and make sure we don't slip up and become a mess for our younger siblings to see.
You're the guinea pig
Although you get to do everything first not everything was done on your terms. Your parents got to decided and learn by using things you wanted to do and deciding when to let you do them which sets the pro that you set the rules for your siblings even if you didn't choose when. The only issue with being the guinea pig is sometimes your parents let the young ones do things earlier than you got to.