Recently while I’ve been home from college, I’ve started working at the restaurant that I’ve been employed with for almost two years. I started at 17 years old as a host and have worked my way up to being a server. I’ve loved both positions I’ve held while working at the restaurant but I’ve noticed more ups and downs of being a server. Here’s a few to highlight.
PRO: Tips
Recommended for you
If you’re short on cash or need to stretch the bucks just a little bit to pay those final bills, the tips are so nice to have. It’s quick money and if you’re outgoing and social, it’s some of the easiest money to make
CON: Slow nights are rough
Slow nights mean there’s probably not a whole lot of extra cash to walk out with after your shift is over. When you rely on tips to help supplement your income, that can be a downer.
PRO: You meet a lot of people
Being a server means that you get to see a lot of new faces and sometimes, you’re lucky enough to get tables that you just really connect with. Sometimes you end up making some new friends. Sometimes they become regulars of the restaurant.
CON: Dealing with bad tables can damper your mood
Sometimes you get great tables… but other times you get awful tables. There’s going to be those times that you just can’t please people and they come in with a negative attitude from the start. The best thing you can do is shake it off and not let it get to you.
PRO: Discounted food
Working for a restaurant means that you get discounts on and/or off the clock. Who doesn’t love cheap, delicious food?!
CON: Resisting the food
With all those aromas, it’s hard to not want to dive in to whatever your table has ordered.
PRO: You develop a lot of patience
Being a server means that there are going to be situations you don’t necessarily want to deal with. But you learn to have patience, smile and work through them anyway.
CON: Dealing with people when you just don’t want to
Everybody has their days where they’d rather stay home and not talk to anybody. When you’re a server, that’s usually just not an option. Even on your worst days, you have to interact kindly with the customers.
PRO: The fast pace keeps time moving
Being on your feet for an entire shift can get old but constantly doing something also helps the time move along.
CON: Side Work
When I hosted, we didn’t really have much side work. We helped roll silverware, bus some tables, check bathrooms and occasionally spot sweep but other than that, there wasn’t much for duties. Being a server comes with a lot more side work that has to be done before you leave from your shift. Sometimes, it seems like the list never ends.
Being a server at any restaurant comes with its pros and cons but from my experience, they’re worth it for the people you meet and lessons you take with you.