Binge watching. “The practice of watching multiple episodes of a television program in rapid succession, typically by means of DVDs or digital streaming.” In other words, wasting time sitting on a couch or in bed watching hours and hours of a show you have never seen before. I have been sitting in my bed watching hours and hours of Gilmore Girlswith my mother. It has come to a point where we have started talking like Lorelia and Rory. Putting on Netflix is one of the first things I do in the morning. Even before showering.
Pro: You have something to do over the long break.
Con: You have done nothing and have accomplished nothing.
Pro: It’s really fun.
Con: You become antisocial very fast.
Pro: It’s on your own time.
Con: You can’t talk to anyone about it because they probably haven’t seen it.
Pro: You don’t have to suffer the terror of a cliffhanger or a hiatus.
Con: You don’t get that feeling of suspense.
Pro: You can have stay in your Pjs all day.
Con: You might start to smell after a few days.
Pro: You can pause whatever you’re watching and take a nap.
Con: Your sleep schedule will all off with the amounts nap you take.
Pro: You can eat all of the food and not feel like a bad person. (For the time being).
Con: You WILL eat all of the food and you WILL get sick.