True friendship is incredibly rare, and to find a friend that will be there for you through all of life's curveballs is something quite unique. To add distance into the equation, maintaining a real, true friendship can be a struggle. There are good and bad parts that come with long distance friendship.
1. Pro: You have someone to tell all your secrets (and other people’s) to.
When your friend lives far away, you can tell them just about anything about anyone and they will just listen. You don't have to worry about them telling other people or repeating it because you guys are so far apart.
1. Con: You sometimes go a few weeks without talking.
Because life does get crazy at times, it can be difficult to stay in contact. Even though it is unintentional, you always feel bad when you see you never responded. Once you remember everything you have to tell them though, you immediately send them a long message.
2. Pro: You have a newfound appreciation for technology.
Without technology and apps like WhatsApp staying in contact with your friend would be next to impossible.
2. Con: The time difference makes phone calls or Skyping difficult.
When you have time to talk, chances are they are either busy or sleeping because of the time difference.
3. Pro: You get to go on vacation to meet up.
Whether they come to you, you go to them, or you both decide to meet up in some random place you get to have a vacation with your friend. There is nothing better than creating memories while traveling with one of your best friends.
3. Con: It’s expensive to see each other.
Yes, when you do see each other you are creating so many memories but traveling internationally to see each other is expensive and can't be done as frequently as wanted.
4. Pro: They help keep things in perspective.
It is so easy to get caught up on the small things in life, but when you message your friend who is away from all your chaos and they have their own, it helps you see that not everything is as big of a deal as it seems.
4. Con: It is easy to get jealous of the friends they have that live near them.
You always see the pictures of them out with their other friends, and you have serious FOMO by not being there.
5. Pro: You share a special bond with that person that not every friendship has.
Because you have to make an effort to keep in contact this friendship has an added layer of authenticity to it. You both take time out of your lives to message one another when a friend you have who lives five minutes away might not do.
5. Con: You miss out on being there for big and small life events.
For example, chances are you rarely if ever get to spend birthdays together or attend each other's graduation.
Overall, the good always outweighs the bad which makes for a lasting, special friendship.