Junior year is filled with mixed emotions. You’re no longer a scared freshman trying to find a place to fit in. You’re no longer a sophomore who just kind of floated around, still finding a solid friend group while simultaneously getting sick of living on campus. Yet you’re also not a senior who is having his/her last first day or filling out job applications. You’re in this bitter-sweet area where you’re happy with your past (even though it FLEW by) yet a little anxious about your future. Here are some of the pro’s and con’s of being a freakin’ JUNIOR in college.
Con: You’re half way done with college even though you swear you just got your acceptance letter yesterday.
When it comes down to it no one can prepare you for how fast college goes by. You always think 'oh yeah high school went by pretty fast'….wrong! Every year goes by faster than the last so be sure to make your time count. Be who you wanna be with, take the classes you want to take and do things that you’re going to remember 20 years from now.
Pro: You found a solid group of friends to get you through anything.
Odds are by your junior year you have found an amazing group of people who you do absolutely everything with. You’ve weeded out the people that you don’t get along with and have made room for people who make you belly every single day.
Con: Real life is right around the corner.
The scary part about junior year is that you actually have to put in some thought about real life (boo). You have to start looking into career options and internship positions and different classes that might spark an interest in you. This freaks people out, including me, but just know that a majority of the people in college have no idea what they want to do with the rest of their lives. So unless you’re 75 years old, you still got time to figure it out.
Pro: You know the ins and outs of your school.
Now that you’re on your third year you know the places you like to hang out at and the places you don’t. You know the dining halls that serve amazing food and the ones that have questionable taste. You know the hours to go to the gym so it’s less crowded and you know what professors to take so you don’t kill your GPA.
Con: Some friends are 21 and the other half won't be till senior year.
This is a time where half of your friends are 21 and the other half have fakes that will get denied in 2 seconds. So this means sometimes splitting up the squad (god forbid I know).
Pro: You know in your heart you're in the right place.
Your school is your home away from home. Your friends are your family and more importantly you can’t imagine yourself anywhere else.