Throughout the 20 years of my young life, I have learned to appreciate and even adore this absolute mop I call a head of hair. However, there are definitely times that I contemplate life without a ponytail twice the size of my head. To organize these thoughts, I have made a pros and cons list regarding the ample amount of ramen noodles congregated on top of my noggin.
I have a pillow during class
On good days I feel like country Taylor Swift (side note: I'm starting a petition to bring her back)
It's very easy to dress up as Blake from Workaholics for Halloween
It never gets greasy (a mystery and a gift I don't question)
It's like having a soft and fluffy poodle on my head at all times (some may consider this a con)
I always have an excuse to take 45 minutes showers (Mom, I know our water bill is $6 zillion, but my hair is really tangled today!)
To dress up as an '80s workout girl all I have to do is simply brush my hair like a normal human being.
It retains a substantial amount of heat during summer months, frat parties, chapter, and sitting stationary in class.
Bangs are never everan option (I tried side bangs at age 13 and cried for many days afterwards).
It's very easy to wake up looking like a tumbleweed and never recover.
Things fall out of it that don't belong to me, things I have never seen before which can be very stressful and alarming.
It takes four hours to dry completely (scientific fact).
Everyone has good hair days that make them feel like Rihanna, and bad hair days that make them look like the Weeknd. Or maybe I that's just me, because I don't know how to use product. But despite the few cons to having unique hair, I would never trade these curls for anything. To all the people out there with crazy hair, or just hair in general: you go girl! Release your inhibitions!! Love your hair!!!