We all know someone who has close family ties. Most of my friends in high school and their mothers had the Lorelai/Rory relationship we all envy. I've dated the total mama's boy, and I'm guilty of calling my parents and their parents with exciting news 24 hours before it sets in.
The fact of the matter is, we all know too-close families. These are the pros and cons associated with them.
Pro: Family vacation is the greatest time of the year.
There's nothing you look forward to more than swimming and playing putt-putt with your cousins (who might as well be your siblings). There's also nothing funnier than seeing how wound-up your parents get when they stay under the same roof as their parents and siblings for three days.
Con: Everyone is momma.
You might think you won't get your butt whooped for stealing the last cookie, but you'd better to believe your aunt's around the corner with a switch twice the size of your mom's belt.
Pro: You always have a listening ear and shoulder to cry on. And a "baby of the family" to prank.
"Everywhere you look, everywhere you go, there's a heart, a hand to hold onto. Everywhere you look, everywhere you go, There's a place, of somebody who needs you." But seriously. Every. Where. You. Turn. You're either getting an ear-full of the latest drama or spilling the beans about your job promotion everyone just knew you were going to get.
Con: Dating someone new? You'd better have the approval of 12 people.
Lord help the mister who tries to propose to my sister, and Lord help the sister who tries to marry this man. It's a three-year process, at least.
Pro: Family traditions are your favorite part of your family.
Traditions range from football on Thanksgiving to annual mountain trips, complete with a Steak and Shake stop and your usual surplus of car ride contests.
Con: You can hardly cut your hair without a result of 20 questions per family member.
"Was it for a girl?"
"Does she like you?"
"You're not gonna like, get tattoos and pierce your nose, are you?"
"I will pay you to grow it out until October."
Pro: The secret handshakes.
Con: There's no such thing as a "quick outing."
Walmart trips are blocked off for half a day, and a quiet dinner for two usually winds up involving a gratuity charge somewhere along the way.
Pro: The inside jokes, classic stories, and strong family heritage.
I know my great-great-great grandmother's name. Do you know yours? I know how my grandma proposed to my grandpa because she got "fed up" with his "tomfoolery." Not to mention my cousin's impressions of grandpa's road rage. Good gracious, I could get a six pack in an hour with that going on.Con: Don't you dare cross your husband.
Because you'd better believe his mom, aunts and grandmother will show up at your door with pitchforks at the end of the day.
Pro: At least you know you've got the American Mafia to back you up in hard times.
It doesn't matter if you lost your job, ran into a rude ex or just got cut off in the shopping line, somebody's bound to speak up for you. It's a very comforting system.
Why was group messaging ever a thing? Stop the madness and thank God for the mute button.
Pro: You're truly rolling in the dough after every birthday and holiday.
I mean really, who doesn't love Taco Bell gift cards and "just a little something to help you get by?"
Con: If you move away, everyone and their mother (literally) expects you to stop by when you're in town.
The fact of the matter is, you've gotta love a too-close family. The drama, the outbursts, and eye-roll inducing conflicts can be overbearing, but it's important to know that any hardship is soon forgotten when replaced by the nostalgia of a life well-lived and a full-hearted family.