We all have that friend who is brutally honest, and if you can’t think of who that friend is, then you probably are that friend. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, but sometimes it’s nothing to be proud of either. Being brutally honest can either make you the person that people always go to, or the rude person no one wants to go to. Here are some of the pros and cons to be brutally honest!
Being the brutally honest friend can often times mean that people will go to you with their problems and ask for advice. Sometimes it’s can be a nice feeling knowing that people will confide in you and value your opinion, that your opinion is valued. When you tell someone that they look good, it is a big compliment because they know you truly mean it. Instead of having to beat around the bush about how you really feel, just coming out and saying what you think makes things so much easier and brings a faster solution to the table. Being brutally honest can also help you in the work field and you can be known for doing your job right, leading to a lot of success. You get the job done, there’s no hesitation, the job gets done quickly and done right.
There are plenty of pros to being brutally honest, but there are plenty of cons to it as well. Sometimes being brutally honest means you aren’t as sensitive as others, and offending them can be easier than you think. You might not be trying to be mean, but you’re honesty is coming off as harsh and rude. If you don’t like someone instead of blatantly ignoring them, like you want to, being nice is the better route. It’s not being “fake” it’s being polite. If this means sugarcoating your opinion a little to avoid hurting someone's feelings also, then do it. When you’re brutally honest people often don’t know how to react when you start being nice and thought you were incapable of it. If this happens, you may be taking the honesty a little too far. This also means that people expect you to not have feelings, they forget that you can get sad too and sometimes you need a friend to tell you the blunt truth. People can forget that you are so many more things besides brutally honest, your other awesome characteristics can go unnoticed.
My advice to anyone who is brutally honest, don’t take it too far, but don’t hide how you feel. Everyone needs a brutally honest person in their life; it’s just all about how you do it. And if you have that brutally honest friend, then take advantage of them, but don't forget they have feelings too!