In order to hold possession birth control (oral contraceptives) in California, you were supposed to either consult it with your doctor or your local clinic such as Planned Parenthood. However, in April, California dropped a law in regards of Birth Control in which has changed how women can now obtain this type of contraceptive.
Women are now able to go to their local pharmacy or drug store and get them over the counter regardless of their age. I repeat... IN REGARDLESS OF THEIR AGE.
Of course, they are unable to purchase out of the counter as if it were your ordinary cough medicine. First, the person must fill out a questionnaire due to each brand corresponding differently to different bodies.
I'm neutral in regards of this law, however I worry for many young women. I think it's great that the fact that condoms are accessible for everyone to purchase, young women have a back up contraceptive that can be used daily in order to avoid pregnancies if used properly. Though, many young women and young girls will be taking advantage of using this form of contraceptive yet may expose themselves to sexual transmitted diseases.
For those who are becoming young adults and exploring the many 'wonders' of their bodies, they will become sexually active and may only be in use of this type of contraceptive and not the use of a condom. There is no type of birth control that will prevent a pregnancy 100% except abstinence. Therefore, if not being careful and taking it at it's exact time, that's a giant risk that's being taken.
I'm glad to hear that the rate of pregnancy and abortions are being reduced, however, not that many young women will be exposed to sex at younger age due to the accessibility to this type of contraceptive. Although I am well aware that whenever a person decides to have sexual intercourse, that's because it was their decision to do so. Though, I just wish everyone to be careful due to the risk of getting and STI.