As a seventh grader at a whopping five feet tall, I stopped growing and six years later I’ve become a pro in walking in ridiculously tall heels. Now, as a sorority girl, where I hold the title of being someone's little, being this short has made the situation completely ironic! The life of being little is a tough one, but it has is perks as well! So here it is, the pros and cons of being little!
Con: If you're as vertically challenged as me, you probably brought a step stool to college and rightfully so. I don't know about you all, but I’m too short to reach the top of my dresser…
Pro: You have the perfect opportunity to use an excuse to ask that one cute tall guy to help you out *winky face*
Con: "Little" will always be in my description… because let’s face it, even mine will most likely be taller than me.
Pro: In the more-likely-than-not chance that I do get a little who towers over me (since that's the majority of the population) I get to use the caption “my not-so-little little”!
Con: When in a sorority, you tend to take a lot of group photos. And when you're short, you tend to get blocked by taller people a lot more.
Pro: However, in most group photos the shorties get put in the front *hairflip*
Con: Two things can happen when I take photos with people: 1) they have to sorority squat to my size until their thighs give out, or 2) I have to stand on my tip toes so I don't look too ridiculously short... (you can see me doing the second a lot in photos).
Pro: Either way someone's getting a work out.
Con: Since we're stuck at this height, even way past 21 we'll still be looked at skeptically when we order drinks.
Pro: But one day we'll see that as a compliment.
Con: Even when I wear heels I'm just reach the average height.
Pro: I can wear heels without worrying about towering over people.
Con: I can easily be lost in a crowd or ran into because people can't always see me in their peripheral view.
Pro: Over the years I have learned how to weave my way through crowds. This is a very importantly skill we shorties can use in many situations, like getting to the front of the stage in a concert, or squeezing your way through crowded stores.
Con: Finding dresses the right length is pretty much impossible unless I'm wearing heels.
Pro: But clothes being too long on me has given me a great excuse to own such a large collection heels.
Con: Not only am I little, but out of my biggie's children I'm the littlest little... in every sense of the way.
Pro: But either way, I gladly wear that title.