If you are or ever were a barista, you’ll definitely understand these pros and cons. If you’re thinking about working as a barista, use this handy list to compare the pros and cons of the job.
1. Pro: You know exactly how you like your coffee.
You make it perfectly delicious every time.
2. Con: You know exactly how you like your coffee.
You’ll be consistently disappointed anytime you get coffee made by anyone else.
3. Pro: All of your clothes smell like coffee.
Heaven probably smells like fresh ground espresso beans.
4. Con: All of your clothes smell like coffee.
Sometimes you have an Eventâ„¢ after work and you want to smell yummy, but perfume often clashes with coffee.
5. Pro: Drinks on the house.
Great for the caffeine jolt for early morning shifts.
6. Con: Drinks on the house.
Not so great for the waistline or the complexion when you have unlimited access to any and all sugar/caffeine combinations.
7. Pro: Waking up early.
You get to see the sunrise! And you have so much more daytime for ~acTiviTies~ when you’re up at 5 a.m.
8. Con: Waking up early.
Do the positives ever really outweigh the negatives on this one?
9. Pro: The Regulars
Some people just make your day when you see them.
10. Con: The Regulars
Other people do not.
11. Pro: It’s one of the best jobs in the world.
It’s definitely a positive to actually look forward to going to work.
12. Con: It’s one of the best jobs in the world.
You’ll probably never work anywhere that you love in quite the same way again.