Co-Written by Melissa Dinkel
Archery is one of those sports that people rarely expect to hear about. Sure the Olympics publicize archery but if you think about it, it's a lot more than a competitive sport. Archery is something unique that can impact people's lives in many different ways. There is always that fine line between one thing and another, but that's almost nonexistent with archery. This sport is something that you make competition from the enjoyment and enjoyment from the competition. While there are many pros to archery there are of course the cons, but just because they exist doesn't mean they should restrict you from doing something you could and almost definitely will love.
Pro: It's a year round sport.
Con: The equipment is expensive.
Pro: Archery can be done in the backyard if it is big enough.
Con: Depending on where you live there may not be a lot of archery ranges around unless you use your backyard.
Pro: Most people in the community are nice and friendly.Pro: It's easy to get good at.
Pro: It's fun and addicting.Pro: It's a great way to get any emotions out if needed.