How often do you remember your dreams? They say we dream every night but only remember some of them. That makes me believe that the dreams we do remember must be of some significance. If you're like me, you remember your dreams frequently– I'm talking about like every time you wake up. I can nap for 30 minutes and wake up from a wild dream. What's worse is that my dreams never make sense; they're always off the wall. My dreams are so vivid, and always have been, that I still remember dreams I had when I was very little– like 5 years old! That being said, I have a habit of trying to analyze my dreams for days after I have them. Like all things, there are pros and cons to doing this.
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A peek into your subconscious
Your subconscious is a weird place that even you can't fully understand. Dreams are an outlet in which ideas in your subconscious use to escape. Sometimes dissecting your dreams can make you realize what's really going on in your mind. Of course, this can be a strange thing to do depending on how bizarre and graphic your dreams are. Nevertheless, those weird things you dream about can say a lot about what is bugging you.
Resolutions to problems in your reality
You know the types of dreams that make you have an epiphany? You lie awake after having a dream wondering "how did I not realize that?" It's insane how dreams can help clear up problems/dilemmas happening in our lives. To an extent, dreams are helpful in helping you realize obvious things that you had been overlooking.
Making a big deal out of nothing
The worst dreams to analyze are romantic dreams, especially if they involve someone you know. It's easy to elaborate on what you dreamed about thinking that it'll be a reality at some point. It sucks catching yourself thinking about that realistic dream you had because we all know that it was nothing more than a dream.
Getting upset
If you make a big deal out of something you dreamt, you can easily become upset. Whether you stress out over a nightmare or a dream you enjoyed so much that you wish it would come true, analyzing our dreams can drive us crazy from fixating on the "what if."