After an entire school year of sharing a bathroom with 20 other girls, I thought my own bathroom would be a luxury. But, after my first week of a private bathroom, I now realize how I took the communal bathroom for granted.
A communal bathroom was a blessing in disguise. It was an easy and fast way to meet the majority of people living on your floor. It was the perfect opportunity to make small talk and bond with your classmates. This year, that opportunity for socializing was not available.
It felt as though I had lost a community. I loved bonding with girls as we were getting ready for class or getting ready for bed. It was comforting walking into a room with ten other girls trying to brush their teeth and do their hair. We could all vent about our classes and complain about life. Sharing a bathroom with so many people does not sound like a fun opportunity, however, when laughter, music, and sleep-deprivation are involved, it is a great time to make memories.
As much as I enjoy not having to wait for a sink or plan my showers around when most people are in class or asleep, I miss the sense of community. I miss girls playing music in the showers and talking to other girls about how fast they can apply makeup before their 8:00 a.m class. I miss conversing with some of my female classmates about our schedules and our stress levels. We were all just awkward freshman trying to look presentable enough to leave the building.
Unfortunately, not being in a communal bathroom also means I am responsible for cleaning my bathroom. I no longer have the luxury of someone else cleaning the showers and making sure there was soap by the sink.
As fun as the communal bathroom was, it was time for a change. A new school year should include a new dorm, which includes new responsibilities. My advice for students in communal bathrooms, appreciate it while you have it. It may get frustrating at times, especially when music from the showers can be heard on the entire floor. It is frustrating at times to share three showers with twenty people, but when it’s gone, you will realize what a blessing it was, especially when no one else is cleaning your tile floor.