Growing up I wished I had a younger brother or sister and, of course, that did not happen. But now I look back and realize that being the youngest in your house is actually the best thing ever. If you're the baby of your family you definitely can relate to these 10 things.
1. You get away with anything and everything.
Because how could you possibly get in trouble when you have an older sibling(s) to blame? Just fake cry and boom it's their fault.
2. You don't have any one who bothers you and your friends.
I 100% used to hang out in the same room as my sister and her friends just because I could annoy my sister and get away with it.
3. There's no one under you to have spy on you.
Again, I 100% spied on my sister and her boyfriend from every window in the house.
4. You get to do things at a younger age than your older sibling(s).
Because your parents don't want to hear all of the complaining. Fun fact: I got my first laptop at a way younger age than my sister.
5. Your parents don't micromanage you.
Not they have two or more kids to watch after and not just one, so that means more freedom.
6. You get all their clothes.
GiphyWhen I was little I didn't like this, but now that I'm older I actually like it, I was a pretty fly 3rd grader in my purple Jesus is my homeboy shirt.
7. You learn from their mistakes.
Learning from your older sibling(s) mistakes is hands down on elf the best things ever, because not only will not get in trouble from doing it BUT you end up looking like the better child, and that gives you bragging rights ;)
8. You don't have to share.
Selfish but true. I would say that sharing is caring but I don't care.
9. You have less responsibilities.
The older sibling(s) should do the most right? Isn't that how that works?
10. No one is going to mess with you.
Having an older sibling(s) is like having you're own personal body guard.