Climbing things, reaching for objects, having different kinds of tall apparatuses around your house to help you get a little bit taller, or just getting on top of a chair or desk in order to reach that stupid item that someone left on your top shelf. Or having people tell you you're so cute because you're ridiculously short. Yeah, I don't think so, a**hole. If you've heard this or done this, then you clearly know what it feels like to be the short one. Sometimes being short isn't the best thing in the world -- but other times, it's just right.
1. Pro: Dating
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The average height of a guy is 5-foot-10. Which, in reality, is not that tall. Sorry, guys, it's true. We girls, we want to wear heels, get on our tippy toes, and all of that cheesy disgusting nonsense. It's perfect. We don't want to be the same height as our significant other -- that just doesn't look quite as good. And men certainly don't want to be shorter than their girlfriends -- that makes them feel less manly. Am I right?
2. Con: Reaching
Remember when you were little and you couldn't reach the TV remote or that piece of chocolate your mom put in the top shelf so that you wouldn't be able to get it? Yeah, same. Every time we want to reach for something, it's like climbing a mountain. Crossing through obstacles, seeing your life flash before your eyes when you're about to fall. Oh yeah, it gets real.
3. Pro: Group Picture
In every group picture you are going to be in the front, no matter what. You are clearly way too short for the back. Don't worry, you won't be the one in the back having to squint your eyes to be able to see you, you will be right there for everyone to see.
4. Con: Legs Hanging
So you sit down in a couch at a friends house, or at a restaurant and you sit with your back all the way to the back rest, and your legs do not reach the floor. And you feel like a kid all over again, in a swing. Unless you're wearing heels, see? Better to be short.
5. Pro: Getting Dressed
Everything fits you. Literally. You can make a big shirt into a pretty dress. Although, you can't always wear long dresses because then you'll look shorter. But regardless, you will look amazing.
You see, it isn't all that bad to be shorter than other girls or men. It's quite the opposite. We have it easier. Although, to be honest -- we won't have a real shot on being "America's Next Top Model." But instead, you can be whatever else you want. While still wearing your favorite pair of heels without feeling too tall or weird. From a short girl to you, we know the real struggle of being short.