The skins and fur of animals have been used by the fashion industry for hundreds of years. Animal clothing has been coined by the fashion industry as "luxurious" and a way for their consumer to be seen as fashionable. Animal activists are against this form of "luxury clothing" and believe it is unnecessary for animals to be killed for the sake of looking fashionable. Controversy surrounding the fashion industry using animals for their designs has been a known topic for decades. Both sides of the debate carry strong opinions. After reading the pros and cons of animal clothing, what will you think? Will you believe the fashion industry should continue using animals for their designs or not?
Pro #1 - Long lasting
Con #1 - More expensiveÂ
Clothing that are not made from authentic animal fur tend to be cheaper because of the materials being used, as well as the level of skills needed. Compared to the price of fur and faux coats, the price difference is in the tens of thousands.
Pro #2 - Safe for human wearÂ
Animal fur does not cause any bodily harm. Since the fur is natural, there is no risk of certain chemicals being released to the body. Clothes that are made from man-made materials contain toxins that release cancer-causing chemicals or other health effects.
Con #2 - Animals are killed
50 million wild animals, worldwide, are trapped and killed solely for their fur each year. According to the statistic from In Defense of Animals, an individual may infer that an animal's worth equates to their fur or skin. Would animal activists find this ethical?
Pro #3 - Tradition
Animals have been a part of the fashion industry for hundreds of years. Animal pelts and fur symbolize wealth, luxury, and status. Many fashion designers continue using fur in their designs to stick to old-fashioned trends.
Con #3 - A progressive societyÂ
With the use of new materials and technology, different ways of designing clothing have been developed. Many designers, such as Gucci, have transitioned into furless designs. Furless designers believe faux fur progresses society, while real fur does not.