We all realize that during college we would kill for a little extra time to relax or some more time to put the final touches on our papers, for me that time comes with my online classes. Each semester I choose a couple online classes to help even out my schedule and here are a few pros and cons of online classes.
1. Working at your own pace
Students have a hard enough time balancing work, their social life and school studies, but with an online class you don't necessarily have an exact deadline for that paper, or homework assignment. Most online professors give you until the end of the semester to complete all of your work and you have your own set deadlines that work for you.
2. Not having to wake up and sit in class all day
We all dread those early morning 8 ams or even the thought of having to drive or walk to class. With online classes, stay in a little longer and remember sleep deprivation is bad.
3. No clothes no problem
Don't feel like getting dressed, leave that messy bun and put on some comfy sweats or better yet don't bother, its not like your professor or future letter of recommendation writer is watching I won't tell if you won't.
4. Hate group projects forget about it
How can you work in a group if you never meet? I'm all for some in class chit chat over the powerpoint, but all of this extra lets make a documentary together is just not for me.
5. Not a big in person fan, remember emails are the best
It's an online class after all, not many of those professors will ask you to meet at their office. Emailing is key to keeping a good grade in their class. We all have problems that we need help with and a quick email can solve it all no running and checking office hours required.
6. Always having an open note test
They can't monitor and most online professors understand that as it is it will ALWAYS be open note. Which benefits the superb note taker, even if nothing ever gets turned in. This factor greatly boosts the grades in an online class and is another reason that I personally enjoy these.
7. No papers
As a history major, I am always writing research papers and my one escape is through online classes. I have yet to be assigned a research paper through online classes which makes me beyond happy.
1. Not always having the right level of communication
For some people, which you may fall under, not being able to quickly communicate with the professor can stress them out, and even damage grades as they become confused about the class materials.
2. Lack of self-dedication
Every student struggles just to get up some days, and if you have to pressure yourself into doing your homework creating deadlines and following them can break your grade if YOU are all that stands between pass and fail.
3. Professors forget about their online classes from time to time
I'm sure that their lecture classes take more time and planning, but even the professors need better dedication to their online courses. When a professor takes 5 days to respond, I'm sure I have already failed your assignment by then because I couldn't get the help that I needed.
4. Professors that forget to put the assignments up, or study guides then throw them all up at once (near end of semester)
This literally is like "kill me now", if I haven't had the time to do this and then it all shows up at once with the same deadline there is no way that I could ever get it done.