A morning class can make or break your schedule for the semester. They are defined as any class you have to attend at any time before 11:30 a.m. and have to set an alarm for. Sometimes you can't avoid them. Sometimes you're forced to pick them because you just can't fit that class anywhere else in your day and these are the only times they're offered. Even though we can all agree that these classes are mostly horrible, there are some positive aspects to having a class this early.
1. PRO- You get it over with. Whatever class it is, you get it done quickly and don't have to think about it for the rest of your day. If you have a test in that class, you won't be trying to study around all your other classes or spend your day worrying about it.
2. CON- You have to wake up for it. Setting an alarm makes me so sad. Hearing it wake me up when I'm not ready makes me angry. See? There are too many negative emotions associated with it and I'm trying to delete all the negativity from my life this year. #2016 #newyearnewme
3. PRO- It gets you ready for your day. Waking up early and going to class can actually help you get started on your day. You can actually eat breakfast and maybe get some things done before your afternoon classes which could clear your schedule for later.
4. CON- It's cold in the morning. You might think this only applies to the winter but it doesn't. Sometimes it's chilly in the spring first thing in the morning and waking up early and being tired and cold is probably one of the worst feelings you can experience as a human.
5. PRO- It regulates your sleep schedule. Getting up early can actually force you to go to sleep at a normal hour and give you more time to rest. Don't have class until 11:30? Netflix party until 3 a.m. Have class at 8? Bedtime is at 10 p.m. Sorry, Netflix.
6. CON- Missing it really effs you up. Morning classes can be a nightmare because you most likely will miss more than one. Or five. Sometimes hitting snooze can really work against you and it can be even scarier when you have a test that you have to get up for.
7. PRO- Everyone looks bad. It's Okay. Sometimes it's just too much to put on makeup or even a real outfit. That's okay, because chances are no one cares anyway. Pretty much everyone shows up in sweatpants or probably the clothes they slept in. As long as your wearing shoes it's probably fine.
8. CON- Professors still expect you to function. For some reason, professors don't care how early it is or that half of your class is actually sleeping at their desks. They still expect active participation and sometimes even make it count more because they know a majority of you won't even open your eyes during class.
9. PRO- You can take a nap when you get home. It really sucks that you have to stop sleeping to sit in class and try to pay attention. But, what has always gotten me through is the fact that I know when I get home I can go right back to sleep.
10. CON- You develop a caffeine addiction. College does this to you anyway, but when your starting at 7 a.m, you're most likely getting coffee on your way to class. Before you know it, that's what you depend on to make it through one day.
11. PRO- You develop a caffeine addiction. Coffee is great. A lot of people try to cut down on their caffeine intake, but it doesn't have to be such a bad thing. Have you seen how many kinds of creamer flavors they have now? As long as it tastes good it's probably fine.
12. CON- Those all-nighters though. When you do have a test in a morning class, you don't have time the next day to spend extra time studying. That means you might have to stay up all night to squeeze some reviewing in. That can be really rough when you already have to be up early. You lose every opportunity for sleep.