Everyone knows that in order to make money, you have to work for it. And to work, means to have a job. Whether it be to pay off student loans or to save up for a new car or a vacation, working is really the only way to achieve those goals. However, to save more money quicker, a person may have to get a second job. Me, personally, having two jobs, I have realized that there are many pros and cons of it.
Here are some cons of having two jobs:
1. Less time to yourself.
With two jobs, chances are you are going to be working literally every single day, with the exception of requesting days off. You barely have time to do anything you really want to do. You are pressed for time day in and day out. When I wake up every morning, I only have time to get up and get ready for work. Then, when I get home, I eat my dinner, prepare anything I’ll need for the next day, shower and go to sleep. Then, I wake up the next morning and repeat the entire process. I barely have any time to do anything other than work.
2. More stress.
Stress comes into everyone’s lives at different times. However, when working two jobs, that stress can build on any other stress you have. Having to deal with two completely different jobs and people at the same time can be overwhelming. Sometimes, it is okay to take a step back and breathe. Knowing you do not have time for many of the activities you were able to do before because of two jobs can also add stress and make you feel overwhelmed, but it is okay. After working two jobs for about a month now, I’m still stressed and overwhelmed with the amount of activities I still need to get done. It’s just a matter of taking it one step at a time.
3. Getting worn out.
Between working everyday and sometimes working doubles, one can easily be worn out. Having two jobs can really drain you of your energy. Early mornings and late nights will make you lose sleep, causing you to be more tired. The more and more tired you are, the more irritable you may become. It is best to try your hardest to get the most sleep you can every night. This can also lead to other health problems as well if your body does not get a break..
Now, here are some pros of having two jobs:
1. Doing something you love.
Having a second job, enables you to get a job in something you love. That could be a hobby or something that will push you further in your career. If you aren’t doing something you love, then why do it? However, I know many can argue: why keep the first job if you love the second? If you’re saving up for something or trying to pay off student loans, two jobs is very beneficial. So, having a job that you love can make having the not-as-enjoyable job a little less painful. Thus, in return, making the money you want without hating every second.
2. Increased job stills.
Not only is this good on a resume, but it will give you a chance to figure out more skills you have in certain areas of work. This will also give you more experience in the work field and help you build your resume. People want to hire others with experience and having said experience will help you overall in getting a well paid job in the area you want to be in.
3. Making money (of course).
This one is pretty self explanatory. Everyone wants to make money and with two jobs, it’s just well… double that amount. And let’s be real, everyone wants more money. Having more money will help you be able to pay bills, if any, or really help you save up quicker for something you want.
Having two jobs has its ups and downs, but as long as you are strong willed and determined, you will be able to handle both at the same time and love opening up your paychecks every time you get paid. It all really depends on who you are as a person to see if you will be able to handle it and see if it is really worth it.