If you haven't heard, ABC aired a new show called "The Proposal" on June 18. Created by the same man who created "The Bachelor," this new show is if the Miss America Pageants and "The Bachelor" met and had a child. There is a suitor whose identity is kept concealed, in a very creepy way if I might add, and 10 daters compete in four different rounds to win their heart. At the end of the hour, YES a single hour, there is a proposal and the two run off together into the night as green screen fireworks play in the background.
Curiosity got the best of me so I of course watched the season premiere and WOW. I don't know any other way to compile my feelings about the show besides showing some of my favorite tweets about it.
4. The quality Chrissy Teigen reaction meme
There won't be a single minute in this show when you're not making this face.
8. Step aside Miss America
Yes, they paraded around the strange man, who was hidden from view, in "their finest beachwear."
Oh the powers and wonders of reality TV.