Looking for new family traditions to start or perhaps at a loss for how to celebrate the holidays this year? Let Michael Scott, Dwight, and friends be your guide. Sure, it might lead to pure catastrophe, but you'll certainly have fun doing it.
Every family has their own Christmas traditions. Leave it to the Schrute family to spread the holiday cheer in the most disturbing way.
That Perfect Holiday Photo
If your family is anything like mine, from your first Christmas through at least middle school you were dragged to some fancy backdrop and forced to wear your Sunday best. Would of thought that hell could follow you to work.
Christmas is Canceled
There's a Scrooge in every family, the Office is no exception.
Hunch Punch Anyone?
Alcohol is a necessity regardless of the celebration so take a double shot this year.
Christmas is Christmas
You PC bro- as told by Stanley Hudson.
The Endless Gift Wrapping
Be sure not to open your desk until Christmas Dwight.
Party Planning Committee
Ready to throw a kegger this Holiday season? The PPC might put a top to that.
Christmas Miracle
There's nothing like a good old Christmas miracle unless you're Dwight.
Secret Santa
What better way to do secret Santa than to send the gift in pieces.