Senior year is filled with so many great adventures, between football games to the senior trip, to prom and graduation, the year flies by. One thing that remains consistent throughout the year are the seniors seeking out a prom date, and planning their huge promposals. In this day and age, a promposal seems to be a right of passage to get that amazing prom date, it sets the scene for how the actual night will go. In reality, people’s standards are set way too high and they end up spending more money than they need to on a stupid dance. Promposals are the stupidest thing to happen in the 2010’s. They need to come to a stop.
As prom approaches, you hear girls in the halls bitching about their boyfriend not asking them to prom, or you hear that courageous girl talking about how she is going to ask the guy instead. So, here is where everyone is going wrong. If you have a boyfriend, it should be assumed that you are going to the biggest event of senior year together, he should not have to ask you in order for you to tell your friends that you have a date. Now girls, it is 100% okay to ask a guy, that’s what I had to do when my senior prom came around. I put my big girl pants on and used my words to say, “Hey, wanna go to prom together?” It's 2016. A girl can ask a guy to prom. Also, what is with these flashy promposal's anyway?
Yeah, I get that it is a romantic gesture, kind of like an '80s movie where the guy holds a boombox over his head below his sweet heart's window trying to get her back, but it is starting to get out of control. You see people in Disney World doing something fancy in front of the castle, or a pandora bracelet that spells out prom in charms. People are spending an exorbitant amount of money just to impress a girl and get likes of social media, it's pathetic. Save that money and use it towards the actual night. Prom is so special and it is something you will remember for the rest of your life. Your promposal is not something that you will always remember, yeah you will never forget your date, but your actual engagement should hopefully be more memorable than a guy holding up a poster outside your locker.
I am a freshman in college and my boyfriend is a senior in high school. We are attending the prom together in May. Never once did he ask me to prom, that is because we have been dating for over a year and it is something that, as a couple, we should automatically do together. I bring this up because a guy I work with came up to me the other day and was generally concerned that my boyfriend did not ask me to prom. It was almost as if he thought my boyfriend was going to take someone else. That concerned me. If you are out there reading this and you think that just because your boyfriend did not ask you, he is going to take someone else, then there is something wrong with your relationship. Everyone needs to remember that words are free and if you say the right things it can mean the world, so ditch the promposals and make that ask genuine and special.