I came across this quote the other day and it really struck a chord with me.
"I can’t trust this world to teach their sons how to treat my daughter. So I will raise her to be a sword, a shield, a spear." ~ Elizabeth Acevedo
I realized after reading these few powerful words that I'm having a daughter. I mean, I knew that I'm having a girl but I suddenly understood the responsibility I have, and my husband has, to teach her the most valuable lessons a female can learn in this world. We have to promise to teach her everything that will help guide her to be strong, independent, and uniquely her, in a world that may try to tear her down. Here are the things I promise to teach my little girl.
Dear Emma,
I promise to teach you to speak your mind and stand up for what you believe in.
I promise to teach you that makeup, lingerie, and clothing are way more for you than anyone else.
I promise to teach you that having a lot of friends should never be a goal.
I promise to teach you to leave behind those who stunt your growth, and to never stop nurturing the relationships with those who truly help you grow.
I promise to teach you that abuse is not an acceptable form of showing affection.
I promise to teach you to fight back and stand your ground.
I promise to teach you to be honest because I will be honest with you.
I promise to teach you how incredibly powerful you are.
I promise to teach you to defend yourself if anyone ever lays their hands on you without your consent.
I promise to teach you what a great relationship looks like.
I promise to let you express yourself.
I promise to teach you about sex and how to stay safe and most importantly, comfortable and happy with those very personal decisions.
I promise to teach you to trust your instincts.
I promise to teach you to take risks but to always consider the consequences.
I promise to teach you that you can do and be anything - and actually mean it.
I promise to teach you to love your body by being an example and loving my own.
I promise to teach you that you should never stop learning and that tests don't determine your intelligence or worth.
I promise to teach you that you won't always be happy but that it will always get better.
I promise to teach you to admit you're wrong and lead by example by apologizing when I'm wrong too.
I promise to teach you that crying and being emotional is not a weakness.
I promise to teach you how to be assertive in a room full of men.
I promise to teach you how to be supportive in a room full of women.
I promise to teach you that other's negative opinions of you mean absolutely nothing.
And along with many more...
I will never let you forget how much I love you.
That's a promise, Emma.
Love, your mom.