One of these days, I will have a daughter. With the amount of girl's in my family, it's bound to happen. And as much fun as that sounds, I'm terrified of that thought. Eevn at such a young age, there are a few things that I know I can promise my future daughter.
I promise to love you unconditionally. Even if it means staying up countless nights to ensure that you're safe. Even if it means scrubbing crayon off the walls for the second time, or punishing you for doing the same thing I did at your age. And even if it means letting you go out into this crazy world on your own, I will love you no matter what life throws at the both of us.
I promise to help make this world a better place for you. I may be young, but I can make a difference. I can do everything in my power to build a career for myself to support you. I can carefully choose a man that I know will make a phenomenal father for you. I can vote for the people that will make a way for your generation. It may be a small impact, but I will do anything possible to make life better for you.
I promise to always remind you where you came from. Our family isn't the biggest or the closest. But at times, this family is all that I had. We have been through heartbreak and losses, but we have all gotten through it together. We share a bond that cannot be broken by anger, death, or any other hardship thrown at us. We stick together. We make the best of our time spent together. These people are the ones we have to thank for our existence. And to be honest, we got pretty lucky.
I promise to be hard on you, just as my mother was hard on me. I am so extremely proud of the woman I have turned into. None of that would have been possible without my mom. She pushed me in ways that I thought were too much, and sometimes cruel. But now I see what a difference that has made in my life. She made me go to school when I didn't want to. But my grades showed that. She always made me tell the truth. But I got respect for being honest. The things that don't see fair are most likely the things that will build you up.
I promise to remind you how marvelous you are. I will always tell you how beautiful you are, even when you won't believe me. I will make it a priority to go to all of your dance recitals, games, and school events. I will let you know that you are one of the most important people in my life. You are not only my child, but also a child of God. That in itself is a beautiful thing.
My sweet girl, you are so extremely loved already. Even today as I write this, I am preparing for you. And when you're my age, you'll look back on your life. You'll realize that I not only kept these promises, but exceeded them. And I'll just sit there and remind myself that I'm not like a regular mom. I'm a cool mom.