10. I won’t break anything…. | The Odyssey Online
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10 Promises To My Future Husband I Will Not Make

I will do my best at being your wife but, I will be far from perfect.

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Being married and getting married is about the truth. I know that when I find my future husband that I will never be making these 10 promises.

1. We will always have a clean house.

This will be a promise that will never come out of my mouth. Yes, I will clean and organize our house. But, I won't mop and swept all the time because there will be days that I have either had a bad day at work and want to relax or I will be too busy and won't have time to clean.

2. We will never fight. 

We will have our share of fights because I'm stubborn and I will fight with you for some stupid reason. Just know that no matter what I will be the first to say sorry.

3. We will always have a home cooked meal.

This is a promise that I won't even try to make. We will have take out probably a few nights during the week. So, don't complain and just smile when I bring it home because when this happens just know that we will be cuddling in bed and watching TV for the rest of the night.

4.  You can watch whatever you want during the Hallmark Christmas Countdown.

This is a promise that you will never hear come out of mouth at all. Just know that starting in October and lasting through January, you will not have control of the TV when I am home. So, you better just enjoy the sweet Christmas movies with me and by the time it's over you will know what happens in every one of them.

5.  I will always look presentable no matter what.

I won't be that wife that gets up every morning and does her hair and make up. I will be that wife that gets up and throws her hair in a messy bun and puts on one of your big shirts and Nike Shorts. I will get all dolled up for the important events we go to but, just know on Saturdays I will be looking like a hot mess.

6. I won’t watch sports or hunting with you.

Just know that we will watch the Outdoor Channel and ESPN together. So, when you think that I will go to the other room and you can watch TV alone, you better think again because I will be watching it with you.

7. I won’t bring any dogs home.

If I find a dog on the side of the road just know that it's coming home with me and there really isn't anything that you can do about it. That's plain and simple.

8. I won’t have my friends spend the night with us.

Yeah this is going to happen and you will be bumped out of our bed and into the guest bedroom because we will be having a girls night and our bed will be the only bed that will fit all of us in it.

9. I will wait on you hand and foot.

You are a grown man and you can fix and get yourself whatever you need. I won't fix your plate and treat you like a 5 year old because I will have to be taking care of myself. Sorry but, I'm not going to be that type of wife.

10. I won’t break anything….

I will break something in the house and you will end up having to fix it. I will tell you sorry a million times and that I won't break it again but, honestly it will happen again. I break things or mess things up and that's what makes me the person I am.

All these promises will not be a reality to us because life will be perfect because we love each other. Just know that some days, that we will be in our pj's all day and that will be perfect to me.

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