Before there was Ziggy Stardust, Capt. Fantastic, or the Lonely Hearts
Club Band, Johnny B. Goode was rock's first great alter ego. Besides
being rock's principal guitarchitect, Chuck Berry was also the first
rock & roll poet, conjuring a chrome-plated teenage American
landscape "where hamburgers sizzle on an open grill night & day."
First, the corporations paved over Chuck's promised land, then they
destroyed rock & roll to the extent that even his cheesy novelty hit
"My Ding-A-Ling" sounds like a masterpiece. Today, "No Particular Place
to Go" sounds less like an ode to idle motorvating & more like the
tragic acceptance that America's too boring to explore. And with the
political equivalent of Col. Tom Parker desecrating the White House,
Chuck may have decided that there's "too much monkey business for me to
be involved in."
I will be totally disgusted if they pick John Mayer to perform "Roll Over Beethoven" at next year's irrelevant Grammy awards.