So to bring you up to speed, my boyfriend chose a co-op that resulted us being in a long distance relationship until July. Unfortunately this hasn’t been easy for either of us because we both have anxiety and being away from each other is proving to be quite difficult. If you know anything about us, you know we are extremely loving and extremely dependent on each other’s physical support. So as you can imagine, these 7 months have been, to be blunt, a tortuous hell. Here’s a list of things I’ve noticed while in this crazy endeavor.
1. You miss him more than anything else you’ve ever missed before.
My goofball has been gone from my side almost 5 months now and I can tell you it has been pure h-e double hockey sticks to the max.
2. You feel like you’re getting stabbed a million times.
Try to hang on, in the end, if it’s meant to be it will be, right?
3. Do your own thing.
I gave up on this once I changed jobs. Let me tell you, if you don’t do your own thing, you absolutely will be miserable.
4. When together, take all the pictures.
Print them out, or something, and make something with them. It’ll distract you, and make you feel better.
5. It is normal to not feel okay sometimes.
It’s okay to stay in your pajamas and cry. Just don’t do it everyday.
6. It is not the end of the world.
It may feel like your entire world is ending, but I promise you, it’s not. He will be back soon, and you will still have all the love.
7. It’s okay to feel clingy and annoying.
You love him, right? It’s okay to want to be with him 24/7.
8. Open and Honest Communication
Without it, you can misunderstand each other, and if you both have anxiety like my love and I do, it can make little misunderstandings turn in to big problems.
9. Support each other.
If you both have anxiety, you both need that support. I know for me, it means letting him rub his fingers in little circles on my shirt. For me, it’s leaning on his shoulder.
10. Don’t give up.
Seriously I know how hard it is to want to give up. I understand, but unless things seriously aren’t working, don’t give up just because of distance, or just because he or you has anxiety. It’s hard. I know. But don’t give up. You can do this. As long as you both try, it shouldn’t matter. All that matters in the end is that you love each other.