Each and every day is tailored specifically to each and every person. Sometimes, we allow the day to erase the people around us, becoming self-obsessed. Of course, we're allowed to be selfish. After all, this is our life we are living. But, we forget to enjoy the presence of the people around us, whether that be conversating or a simple observation. Look at the people around you. Collect your similarities and your differences. Feel that energy that people have to offer; friends and strangers. Regardless of who, there is always a connection.
Painting her has taken several days.
Long, drawn-out days,
where I sit here and stare allowing myself to examine every detail she entails.
Her head rests effortlessly with the help of her hand.
Hair filled with different colors,
ranging from her dark chocolate brown roots to her dyed golden locks seeped into her ends.
Her body was slouched,
exerting as little energy as possible.
Her face was full and plump, rounding up when smiling.
Her blue eyes would drift off into a daze most times,
not breaking without being provoked.
Her lips seemed to fidget often
as she nibbled at the skin inside her mouth.
Although relaxed,
her shoulders were broad and strong allowing her to carry herself well
even if she didn't necessarily want to.
She thought it was interesting
yet absolutely terrifying
how you could be here one minute and gone the next.
Although if pondered on too long it would cause her to become anxious,
so she shook it off her mind rather quickly.
She was good at brushing things aside.
She had this power to completely put things into the back of her mind
and pretend that they may not have ever even existed.
She was easy going, didn't let a lot of what people had to say get to her,
which was something I really admired.