I first came across it not too long ago as I was scrolling halfheartedly through my Twitter newsfeed. Amongst friend's subtweets, inspirational quotes, funny college confessions, and Blackhawks news updates, was a picture that caught my eye. I tapped on it and saw a semicolon, followed by a paragraph. At that moment, I did not realize the importance behind this picture, nor did I know it would become an important part of my life.
I believe we live in a world focused on physical illness. I understand that there are millions of people suffering from terrible diseases. On a daily basis, their bodies are put through hell, and their lives have become a revolving door of home treatments and hospital visits. People of all ages are being drained of their strength and dying. It tears me apart to know that there are children who will not get the chance to grow up, and parents who won't be alive to be there for their sons or daughters. I am wholeheartedly sympathetic and immensely saddened by all of this.
But why is mental illness being pushed aside and put in a corner? When...
16 million Americans have experienced at least one major depressive episode in the past year. 18.1 percent of adults have experienced an anxiety disorder. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States, and is the second leading cause of death for people aged 15-24. More than 90 percent of children who die of suicide have had some type of mental illness. Every 12.8 minutes a person takes their own life in the United States (90 percent of these people had a diagnosable physicatric disorder at the time of their death).
In a world full of broken, lost, suffering, and ravaged human beings there is still hope. A light at the end of the tunnel. A hand to grab as one hovers over the edge. Project Semicolon is taking a stand against mental illness.
For those who don't know, Project Semicolon is a global non-profit movement that is dedicated to presenting love and hope for those that struggle with mental illness, suicide, addiction, and self-harm. People all over the world are getting semicolons tattooed on their bodies in support of the Semicolon Project. But why a semicolon you might ask?
"A semicolon is used when an author could've chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to. The author is you and the sentence is your life."
I, myself, have fought with depression and anxiety for four years, and have had some very dark days. There have been times of my life where the only solution I saw to all my problems was to end my own life. I used to think I was alone; a single soul in a world full of happy and carefree people. However, one day I realized that I was not alone in my battles with my demons. There are so many others like myself, and I recently have gotten a semicolon tattooed on my wrist to support all of my fellow survivors.
Everyday, I am able to see just how strong I really am. Everyday, I am inspired to reach out, and help others that struggle with their inner demons. Everyday, I am reminded that I am a survivor.
We can change how the world perceives mental illness, and we can help those affected. The beautiful and genuine people of this world, ravaged by mental illness, do not have to be a statistic. They can be saved if we take a stand as one. Join Project Semicolon's efforts, and help spread love and hope to all those suffering. http://www.projectsemicolon.org
I dismissed my harmful thoughts; for I was not ready to end my sentence.