Professors: can't go to college with 'em, can't go without 'em. Some will make you consider dropping out on the spot, while others will inspire you to work hard and be proud of that diploma. Here is a definitive list of every professor you will have in college.
The Control Freak
This professor runs class like a kindergarten classroom. He/she will correct you if you forget to say "Dr..." and internally explodes at the sound of side chatter. You have to buy the textbook because they assign "practice work" out of it and because they probably wrote it. Their class runs like a work camp and they loooovvveee checking attendance and can smell a cell phone before it enters the room.
The Chill AF One
Every department has at least one. This professor likes to joke about everything and gets what it likes to be a poor, sleep-deprived college student. They keep class light and fun and probably don't give huge assignments. You may even like attending their class on some occasions.
The Honest One
You probably have this professor your senior year when you are both passed the point of GAF. They probably don't want to be teaching class as much as you don't want to be in it, so you both share a mutual bond and accept your fates. You and this professor have love/hate relationship. This professor has annoying assignments but you feel bad letting them down so you actually have to do work in their class.
The Good Guy/Bad Teacher
This professor is probably an old man who was around when the college was built. He is too nice and passionate about his subject but DEER GOD he cannot teach. You probably feel bad skipping his class but at the same time you. just. can't. even.
The Genius
This professor definitely teaches some BS computer class you were forced to take as a sophomore. Although incredible to listen to, you will not understand a word this professor says. You're probably afraid to ask questions in their class because the answer will lead to an entirely different discussion where you end up being as confused as before. It's usually impossible to skip this professor's class for fear you might miss something you won't understand anyway.
The Bully
You heard about this professor before you even got to college. This professor finds sick pleasure in failing seniors and HAPPILY refuses overrides. Their RateMyProfessor comments include "Avoid at all costs," "Has no soul," and "P sure satan teaches that class." You're almost better off not showing up to this class because you're not going to pass either way.
The Powerpoint Princess
This professor probably made you buy the textbook even though all notes and assignments are on the weekly powerpoint. This professor probably grades on attendance and participation even though the powerpoint is online and he/she reads off the slides the whole class.
The Ghandi
These professors are more rare than seeing a senior in an 8am, but when you get one they immediately make you question every life decision you've ever made. You'll probably have them in a writing elective class you were forced to take, but they will inspire you to change you major A$AP ROCKY.