Everyone knows it. Why is it so good? Why is it so memorable? What is it really about this song that makes it so exceptional?
"Hey Ya" By Outkast is such a brilliant song that it changed the definition of music forever. "Hey Ya" by Outkast pushes boundaries. Hey Ya is a religion, it is a culture, it is a moment, it is an experience, it is a law, it is everything. Some historians even consider it more significant than the constitution, the printing press, the lightbulb, or even women’s rights. Medical officials have reported that while listening to “Hey Ya” by Outkast the pupil expands 10 times its original size and that the heart rate increases 5 times faster than its resting rate. Experts have determined that listening to this song once a day can increase a person’s lifespan by 18 years due to the level of endorphins released from the amount of times Outkast says “Hey Ya”. A petition is actually being started by a progressive group of millennials to add Outkast’s face to the president's sculpted on Mount Rushmore with the new information that he is actually the only founding father of the U.S.A. study from an unnamed group of graduate students at Cornell released a statement that “When you listen to Hey Ya by Outkast, you feel fucking good.” If you have any symptoms such as chest pains, trouble focusing, fatigue, temporary blindness, or memory loss either you are having a heart attack or you are listening to “Hey Ya” by Outkast.