Being a child of divorced parents has always had many downs from struggling with split holidays to dodging awkward run-ins at soccer games. Many kids have had a difficult time adjusting to life with separate parents or families. However, there are some positives that are often overlooked due to the negative connotation the word "divorce" causes.
My two families emerged when I was three years old and trust me, it was not fun lugging all of my stuff from one house to the other. Carrying a backpack, basketball bag, uniform for the next day, homework, retainer, makeup and any paperwork to be delivered to the other parent definitely made me an expert packer. I can go on any trip, for any length of time and know just what is necessary for me to bring. There were times when I, as a youngin', would forget something at the previous house. I learned to live without it or find an alternative. But trust me, if I had not been a pack mule as a child, I would never be able to go on a weekend getaway with nothing but a backpack.
Having a mom, dad, sister, stepdad, stepmom, stepsisters and half-brother all allowed me to become the master of balance. I understand just how important relationship are, especially familial ones! So, I try my best to cut out time for those who mean the most to me. Yes, there are times when it is simply impossible to fit everyone and everything in, but because I've always had a big family, everyone is pretty understanding. Making "dates" is something that helps. I have a standard breakfast date every Monday morning with my little brother. Both of us know exactly what time and where to be, no questions asked. We can always count on meeting and catching up at the fruit farm.
Living with a variety of personalities has given me the opportunity to be diplomatic. Never knowing what to expect or what could be thrown my way, I am the go-to person at work for conflicts and big tasks, especially those that manage other people. My bosses know exactly who to come to with a problem or to solve a dispute among others. One quality that both of my parents constantly stressed was being professional. I carry myself with pride knowing that I can be counted on.
My sister and I are both extremely independent. Although this was not necessarily a choice, it has so many benefits. I was relied on to chauffeur my siblings at one house and to cook and clean (not every night) at the other. Having these responsibilities let me understand the hardships and rewards of being an adult. Yes, growing up fast was difficult at times and definitely not what I yearned to do, but I am a stronger young woman because of it.
Divorce does not have to be a taboo word. In today's world, it is so common. Whether you come from a married, divorced, split, blended, single-parent, etc. home, each and every kind has its positives and negatives. Embrace the good and push through the difficult, it will only make you stronger.