As a college student, it can be challenging to be productive when there are a hundred different things you have to put your mind and effort towards. But, I've learned through trial and error that there are a few constant practices that really help me stay motivated and get my work done. Developing and sticking with these tips has helped me manage my time and my mental health. So, follow these tips to help you be more efficient and productive!
1. Schedule your breaks
This may sound contradictory to what productivity should include, but it's really important for your brain to relax and not be in full power mode all of the time. Planning out when and how long your breaks are will help ensure that you are not spending too much time not working, while also giving you some incentive and goal to look forward to after working for a while.
2. Listen to music from a genre you like in a foreign language
This may sound strange, but I've noticed that if I listen to Spanish or Bollywood music instead of English music, I'm less likely to focus on singing along and more likely to stay concentrated on whatever I'm working on.
3. Make a goal list with check boxes each day
I don't know about you, but there is something so satisfying about checking the items off my to-do list. It not only helps me keep track of my work but also gives me a sense of accomplishment.
4. Put your phone away, or at least out of the way
The temptation is real, but the social media can wait. There's always some sort of breaking news or new meme going around on Twitter or Facebook. I promise it'll still be there when you're done with your work. Rather than falling the deep rabbit hole that is social media, stick to avoiding it all together during work periods and even break times.
5. Come prepared
Whenever I'm out studying, I make sure to make a packing list before I leave so I'm not faced with dilemmas at the library or cafe. This list includes study materials, chargers, headphones, extra pens, water, snacks, jackets, and anything else I might need.
Use these tips to increase your productivity and get your work DONE!