To start, yes- I am writing this article to be productive in the middle of a painfully boring lecture.
Attendance points are a college student's best and worst friend. While getting free points for just attending is a bomb GPA booster, the points begin to seem harder and harder to achieve as the "boringness" only gets worse and worse as the semester persists on.
However, just because the lecture is either painfully boring, agonizingly easy, or completely pointless, doesn't mean you can't be productive while sitting in class.
1. Other homework and studying
Have a test in your next class? Stayed up too late binging your new fave Netflix show and forgot about your assignment? Whatever the reason is, studying notes or completing homework (or Odyssey articles) not only passes the time, but it makes that hour-long, snooze-worthy lecture into productive time.
2. Clean out your phone
Haven't deleted your messages since your devastating breakup in 2013? Maybe now is the time. Just about everyone, or at least certainly me, I am always running low on storage space for my phone. A cyber clean up can also be quite satisfying.
3. Update your planner/plan out your week
Plan out your homework, your work schedule, or your extracurriculars. Taking this time to set yourself up for a successful week can truly make a difference in the long haul.
4. Plan your meals out for the week
Make a grocery list, plan your meals, snacks, etc. It's amazing how much of a help it is to not only plan your meals in advanced but to even just write a grocery list out before you go.
5. Just simply don't go
When in doubt, just don't go. However, my best piece of advice, if this is the route you take, be productive at home for the duration of that class period.
6. Or if you do go... take a nap
Let's face it, we're all exhausted. We all could use a nap (or two or 5,000). Maybe now is your chance?
7. Catch up on your fave shows that you can never seem to watch real time
Sit back, plug your head phones in, and relax! I have been guilty of this a time or two, but hey I still made it to class.
Classes are going to be boring. Professors are going to talk in the most monotone as possible voice. It is going to happen. It just it. However, just because it's going to happen, doesn't mean you can't use that boring lecture time to get work done.
Don't forget: Work smarter, not harder.