In the age of social media, viral puppy videos and pop-up ads for online stores, achieving productivity is harder than ever. Sure, we don’t have to search the library for books containing information about our research topic and type up our findings on a typewriter. But I’m convinced this leap in technology has crippled our productivity more than it has advanced it. Our generation’s social media addiction and short attention spans are working against us. No wonder we're turning to drugs (Adderall) to combat this issue. I’ve comprised a list of tips and tricks to get through the uphill battle that is your college career.
1. Invest in a planner/agenda
This is ESSENTIAL for students in Greek Life. I suggest going through each syllabus at the start of the semester and writing in all of your due dates. I also pencil in workout plans, appointments, to-do lists, date parties, philanthropies, interviews, etc. Sure, there's always your phone calendar and apps for this, but in a world where everything is digital, I prefer to stay organized the old-fashioned way.
2. Color your study guide
When you’re in a depressive state from studying for hours on end, use colored pens, highlighters and pictures to help you memorize. Always print your study guides. You can even go through and color code what you know and understand, what you need refreshing on, and what you absolutely need to study.
3. Have a go-to study playlist
4. Have your friend take your phone
A study buddy is always a good idea. Socializing can be healthy in the right dosage. It keeps you sane when you've been studying for hours and hours. And taking each other's phone is a good method for those of you who can't resist replying to your group text or checking Facebook periodically.5. Scout out ideal study vibes
6. Make stress your friend
Next time you're getting stressed or anxious about that test you have coming up, think of the stress as your body's way of preparing you; as if it is essential for you to succeed. Trust me, I heard it in a Ted Talk.
7. Learn some yoga moves
8. Make lists
Plan out your day; factor in the hours you are most productive. Tell yourself you're going to study from this time to this time and assign yourself a break. But first thing's first, write yourself a to-do list. I literally do this everyday. I find it helps me to A. not forget anything, and B. decluttered my head space. Mine usually look something like this:
-Edit articles
-Pay utilities
-Bio quiz
-Finish essay
-Spanish homework
Make sure to get the high-priority items off your list first. It's so easy to jump to the fun stuff first but use those as rewards for the not so fun stuff.