If you are like me, you always have to be doing something or you feel icky. I am a productivity junkie, even though it can be a bad thing sometimes. Here are some tips to spend your day off in a way that will benefit you.
1. First and foremost, catch up on schoolwork.
Having an unexpected day off when you are drowning in work is a WONDERFUL feeling. Now you have a whole day to sit down at your desk with a coffee/tea/hot cocoa and bang out as much work as you can.
2. Read that book you've had sitting on your bedside table that you haven't gotten to yet.
My favorite this is cuddling up in bed and reading a book that I want to read- aka not for school. A good novel that you've been wanting to read but have been too overwhelmed to get to is the perfect companion for a snow day.
3. Watch a movie or documentary.
I know this sounds counterintuitive, but I love watching movies and documentaries; the ones I'm actually interested in. Movies that make you feel things, that make you cry or laugh or think about your life. A documentary that you learn something from! This is a great way to get something out of your day but also to relax and take care of yourself.
A day off is the perfect time to pamper yourself. Take a hot bath or shower, do a face mask, light a candle and do some yoga and meditation... whatever makes your feel good. A nice break in a chaotic week.
5. Catch up on sleep.
Sleeping all day may seem like the epitome of laziness, but when you're a sleep deprived college student, it's a great thing to do. You'll feel refreshed and ready to conquer the rest of the week.
6. Listen to a new podcast, or an old favorite.
I LOVE podcasts. Whether it be educational, casual conversations, or self help tips, I feel like you can always get something out of a podcast. If you're not a podcast listener, take some time to discover some new music or listen to your favorite playlist. You'll enjoy your time and make yourself feel good.
7. Clean!
When life gets overwhelming, keeping your space clean can sometimes get pushed to the back burner. Using your snow day to clean up your space, do some laundry, and organize your stuff will make you feel refreshed and on top of your game.
8. Reassess your life and how you're approaching it.
This might sound strange, but sometimes you need to use up some free time assessing how you're tackling your life. DO you need to revisit those New Years resolutions? Do you need to start taking better care of yourself? Work on time management? Write out a journal entry and really dig deep into how you're feeling and what you can do to better yourself.
9. Do nothing???
This is the most counterintuitive sounding thing on this list, but doing nothing for a day could be the perfect "productive" thing that someone who is constantly on the go can do. Binging a Netflix show in bed broken up by naps could be just what you need to get back on your grind the next day. I'm speaking to myself as much as I am to you: sometimes the most productive thing you can do for yourself is nothing.
10. Get some friends and play in the snow!
You're never too old to play in the snow! Having an old fashioned snow ball fight and then coming inside to some hot cocoa might just be the best way to spend a snow day... just like when we were kids.