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8 Products You May Not Know Exist, But You Certainly Should

These products are honestly amazing and you need them in your life.

8 Products You May Not Know Exist, But You Certainly Should

Every once in a while you find a little gem of a product and you have to tell everyone about it. These are the products I have either discovered for myself or have been told about.

1. FOREO LUNA! fofo

This product has Bluetooth capabilities and an app to go with it. This personalizes your skincare routine to fit your needs and it is also a cleanser brush. It also super new and came out in the summer FabFitFun box. Retail is $89.

2. Murad Skin Perfecting Lotion


This also came out of a FabFitFun box and is super great. This helps clean skin tremendously and prevent breakouts. Retail is $40.

3. Lily&Drew: Doctor style top opening backpack

So this is something my mom actually found and it is super cool. This is a backpack that can also be held like a purse. It has several zippers and a huge inside pocket also has side pockets for your water bottle. It has plenty of room for books but it's not super bulky. Retail is around $38.

4. Bath & Body Works: Shower Jelly

I found this during the semi-annual sale at Bath & Body Works. It's supper bubbly and cleanses your skin so well. It comes in a variety of scents. I love it because a little goes long way so it lasts for a long time. Retails for $8.25.

5. Neutrogena: Hydroboost Water Gel

​My friends introduced me to this and I am so happy she did. This stuff hydrates your skin so well and again a little goes along way. I love the way it feels and how soft it makes the skin. Retail is about $16 at Walmart.

6. Real Techniques: Prep and Prime Brush Set

This set comes with four brushes: A prep brush, a dry facial brush, an under eye reviver, and a lip exfoliation brush. These are perfect for taking care of all your skin care needs. Retails for $18.95

7. Bath & Body Works: Wallflowers

These smell amazing and diffuse through your entire room. They work super great in smaller spaces and work somewhat like a wax melter. These are about $6 plus the actual diffuser.

8. Juice Beauty: Soothing Eye Concentrate Cream

This works wonders for the under eye area. It reduces darkness and bagginess to rejuvenate the eye area. Retail is around $32 and can be found at Ulta.

Now that you know that these products exist go out and grab a couple to try out and see if you can find any hidden gems that you love.

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