Procrastination. It’s an art; one we have all perfected. However, we all have different ways we go about it. The other day, while procrastinating studying for my finals and procrastinating writing this article, my roommate had the bright idea to look up tongue twisters.
I honestly have no idea how we got on this topic, but this is coming from the girl who will complete a crossword and clean her room in an effort to avoid homework.
Usually I’m more of a knock-knock joke or pun kind of girl, but I was highly entertained by these fun tongue twisters. Not only are they fun to say, but hard as well! If you need a laugh or you want to procrastinate yourself, here’s some that got me through the other day.
If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule.
Frivolous fat fanny fried fresh fish furiously.
A big black bear bit a big black bug and the big black bug bite the big black bear back.
The sixth sick Sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick.