If procrastination was a human being, it would probably eat me alive.
It knows how to wrap its way around the brain and make sure that the numerous tasks that you need to get done slowly get put to the back of your mind for more, enjoyable things. Activities that would suit you way better than perhaps that reading you need to do, the information you need to type up or studying for that exam that you thought was two weeks away and has now turned into a couple of days away.
It's so easy to let procrastination consume your every being. Yet, why is it so hard to do the one thing that you knew was due months, weeks, days ago? Of course, because it’s required to do so and also, you feel that there could be plenty of other tasks that could prolong the inevitable.
Although the tasks should have been done beforehand, and once you actually get around to completing the tasks, your stressing, tearing yourself apart and wondering if you can actually do anything at all.
One thing is for certain: you get the task done because you have to.
Groaning and complaining while doing the work may seem like it will help, but it’s not going to change the fact that you need to do the work in order for everything to be submitted. It becomes more unbearable because time sure knows how to creep on a person and that’s the horrible part.
Once the task is now in your hands, with perhaps only so many hours left before it’s due, it feels like time is so short and everything becomes so compacted in that one space we call our brains. Yet, while others most definitely can’t function under pressure, there are some who do.
With a constricted time comes the ability to work faster and to cram everything in as possible, even though we all know that wasn’t the best idea. Waiting until the last minute gives you the chance to absorb all the information given to you in the past and fitting it into so many hours, and then, you are done with a little time left to spare. You feel great, except…you know you could’ve done better if you had worked on it ahead of time.
So many negatives come from procrastination but waiting until the last minute also can make one feel as though they are the worst human being on Earth. Even though there are most certainly worst scenarios and things out in the world, but the guilt tends to rise as you are working on your tasks.
Yet, the part at the end of it all is the big sigh of satisfaction at the fact that your task is completed.
And if someone is used to waiting until the last minute because that’s the way they function, then so be it. If someone doesn’t prefer that way, then so be it as well. Procrastination is a piece of work.
If you thought for one second that the procrastination you experienced in past activities was probably when you were completing some of the easiest tasks in your life, it will now surely know how to grab you by the shoulders and shake you senseless, until you feel as there is nothing else to give.
A salute to those facing tasks at the last minute whether in the work field or cramming for school projects. We knew this moment was here, yet here we are, going through the torture of late nights, caffeinated brains and continuing to find ways to procrastinate while doing our work. (A glorious congratulations to this article idea popping up mid-study for an exam).