Procrastination, College Style | The Odyssey Online
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Procrastination, College Style

It's practically our middle name.

Procrastination, College Style

College is the ultimate test for seeing how much you can bear on very overloaded shoulders. The overwhelming amount of work that gets piled on top of our plates is more than enough for anybody, let alone a student trying to figure out how to balance their super-involved lives in college to handle. That’s why all we can do to keep from sinking is to keep trudging along. Unfortunately, that spirit of determination sometimes only emerges after the pressure of procrastination hits. By the time we finish all of the laundry list of responsibilities of the day and we finally crack open our textbooks, there’s no time to spare. After suffering through many late nights cranking out homework, procrastination is practically our middle name. It comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. So if you’re currently trying to avoid the homework situation, you’ve got plenty to choose from.

1. The “Under-Pressure” Procrastinator

If you fall under this category, you claim to accomplish your best work when you feel motivation from having to function under a serious time crunch. You’ll usually find these types of procrastinators staying up into the wee hours of the morning working hard with an insane amount of focus trying to get stuff done.

2. The “I’ve Given Up” Procrastinator

These procrastinators operate with the mindset of pointlessness. Their go-to motto is simply “oh well." If it gets done, it gets done. But usually the work gets put off because it doesn’t seem in the cards for the night. There’s just too much to do in too little time, so this procrastination stems from an I-give-up type attitude.

3. The Social Procrastinator

As a social procrastinator, you find any avenue to socialize and latch onto the opportunity to talk to people in order to avoid touching the poisonous homework load. This can include anything from small talk to spewing out random gibberish that is probably irrelevant. Either way, homework ends up in second place in this race.

4. The “I’ll Take The L” Procrastinator

Similar to the “I’ve Given Up” groupies, these procrastinators excuse their responsibilities by simply accepting the loss, or taking the L, of not getting anything done. They don’t see the work as worth it, so it’s a lose-lose situation all around.

5. The “Sleep It Off” Procrastinator

This procrastinator commonly uses sleep to avoid life’s problems. Simple solution really, and not an all-around bad decision because another stressful downside of college is the serious lack of sleep students get. So sleeping-it-off procrastinators have some validity to their reasoning.

6. The Binge-Eater Procrastinator

Oh man, this procrastinator should major in culinary arts because they have had their fair share of late night eats. Instead of doing homework, they turn to yummy snacks in hopes of feeling refueled and motivated to get it done.

7. The Distracted Procrastinator

At this stage of procrastination, you’ll find any excuse not to get going on your homework. Whether it's cleaning your room, doing laundry, or giving advice to hall mates, there’s always some distraction you manage to find to help you put off the work for as long as is humanly possible.

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