I waited until the last minute to submit this article because of what I have learned in college. I am one of the biggest procrastinators there is because of being this way for years. It became much worse when I came to college because I found out that I can stay up as late as I want. Do you know someone that is also pretty bad at waiting until the very last second to turn in homework, study for an exam, or just cramming in general? Well I will let you know some facts about why procrastinating is a bigger deal than you think.
A study from the Blubanner says: “According to the American Psychological Association, between 80 and 95 percent of college students procrastinate on their schoolwork.” This is one fact that makes the most sense to me because almost everyone I know at SVSU procrastinates in some way. I asked my Dad on whether or not people procrastinated back in the day when he attended Stanford University and he said, “I wouldn’t be here if I did.” So I thought to myself, and realized this is true. I looked it up online and found out that procrastination in college has almost quadrupled per person over the years. It used to be 1 out of 5, and now it’s 4 out of 5. This showed me that college students now are either lazier, or they feel like they do their best work at the last second. I am person B and feel like I do my best work when I know it has to get done and gives me motivation so I can finish with an A grade assignment. Another fact that I found is that in college, 1 out of 5 procrastinators do it so badly that they lose their jobs and destroy their credit. This is shocking because they don’t realize that the problem gets so out of hand that their life starts to go down the drain. 80% of the people in college can handle the procrastination and can control it in some way. You would have no idea that your life is just taking a dump because it gets too out of hand. I thank God that I am the other 80% of it so I can procrastinate just enough before it gets too crazy. I also interviewed a couple of my fraternity brothers and one of them said, “I procrastinate until I feel like I am unable to do it any longer. I get straight A’s so I feel like I am doing something right.”Another one of my brothers said, “I don’t procrastinate because knowing myself I will have to do it right then and there or else it won’t get done.”
Procrastination is the biggest during the college years because it is the first time in which the students are away from home. They can stay up as late as they want, eat whatever they want, and be with whoever they want. I am a procrastinator and still do alright in college so I beleieve I have it under control. If you don’t, then hit me up and I will give some pointers!