If you are like me, chances are you tend to procrastinate when it comes to doing school work. If I'm not careful, I will end up spending an hour scrolling through my Twitter timeline, watching funny videos and following ridiculous tweet wars. When I finally force myself to get down to work, I always feel bad about wasting so much time when there are so many more things I could have been doing to be more productive. Here's a list of a few ways to put off starting that school work for a little bit longer, but still feel like you actually accomplished something good and spent your time wisely.
1. Do a quick workout.
Exercising is probably the best form of procrastination. Go for a run to clear your head, or lift a few weights to get your adrenaline pumping so that you're wide awake and focused when you start studying.
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2. Call Your Grandparents.
When was the last time you called Grandma or Grandpa and you weren't asking for money? Give them a call just to check in and let them know you were thinking about them. Most grandparents love getting to hear about what's going on in your life and have an opportunity to relive their younger years vicariously. It will probably make their week and earn you big time brownie points. Killing two birds with one stone. Sweet.
3. Update your Linked-In profile.
More than ever, social media is a dominant part of our everyday lives. Over the past few years, career advisers have begun to emphasize the importance of making sure that college students utilize Linked-in to make connections with potential employers. Social media is a powerful tool. Use it to your full advantage to get ahead of the curve.
4. Clean your room.
Sometimes it's nice to be able to see the floor of your room and not have to navigate around piles of clothes and papers like you're in a mine field.
5. Google videos of how waffle fries are made.
I can't be the only one who has wondered what happens to those tiny cubes of potatoes. SPOILER ALERT: There actually are no mini cubes of potato leftover. It's sorcery, I swear.