It’s time to hit the books and start studying for finals. If you are anything like me, you need to take small breaks between studying. Here are some ideas to keep you busy instead of studying for your math final or writing that 20-page paper!
1. Go for a walk
2. Play Frisbee on the quad
3. Color
4. Listen to music
5. Binge watch a show
6. Get ice cream
7. Take BuzzFeed quizzes
8. Stare at a blank screen
9. Stay up till 4 a.m. watching "Baywatch"
10. Make a paper plane
11. Throw the plane out a window
12. Go to the gym
13. Eat food
14. Take a nap
15. Have a bottle flipping tournament with your friends
16. Play a sport
17. Ride a bike
18. Go see "Infinity War"
19. Make guacamole
20. Watch Vine compellations
21. Go on an adventure
22. Make a new Spotify playlist
23. Write an article about procrastination
24. Plan out your summer
25. Play card games
26. Find dogs
27. Pet the dogs
28. Go to Target
29. Bake a cake
30. Chill in a hammock
31. Invent a new drinking game
32. Reenact the funniest award show moments of all time
33. Meditate
34. Go on Pinterest
35. Go get coffee at Dunkin’
36. Jump on a trampoline
37. Reorganize your closet
38. Do a face mask
39. Play Rock band
40. Eat as many flammin’ hot Cheetos as you can without drinking water or milk
41. Hangout with friends
42. Paint your nails
43. Have a BBQ
44. Online shop
45. Send a letter to someone famous
46. Run up and down flights of stairs
47. Attempt to work
48. Take a long shower
49. Challenge someone to a dance battle
50. Read more articles about procrastination
Finals week can be a stressful mess, take some time for yourself and push aside your work for a little. Procrastinating isn’t the end of the world. You will get your work done, even if it takes you until five seconds before an assignment is due. Good luck on your finals everyone!