Finals week-cue the screams and tears of college students around the world. Finals week is all the stress throughout a semester piled into one week. This week consists of sleepless nights, a lot of caffeine, stress, books everywhere, trying to remember what your professor said in that lecture you zoned out during, and my personal favorite, procrastinating everything you need to do. Don’t act like you don’t do it. We all know you’re pulling an all nighter because you just didn’t want to study before. Well, instead of giving you the reasons why you shouldn’t procrastinate, here are the best things to while you’re procrastinating.
Take Buzzfeed Quizzes
There’s nothing more important than finding out what Disney Princess you are based on your zodiac sign, right? Buzzed quizzes are the black hole of the Internet.Once you fall in, it’s almost impossible to get back out.
Go on YouTube
Just go on YouTube, and click on whatever pops up on your homepage. Then if you keep on clicking, you’ll just be sitting there wondering how you went from watching an Ariana Grande music video to a cat jumping into a closed window, instead of studying for your final the next day.
Sing Karaoke
YouTube has a karaoke version of almost any song you can think of. Just choose one and sing your heart out as if your life depended on it. I tend to go for musicals and Disney but that’s just me.
Have a Dance Party
Just blast music and go crazy. Lately my friend Soby and I have been doing this with Christmas music when we should be working on the four papers we have to write.
Play Tetris
I have no idea why, but Tetris is extremely addicting. I’ve been playing non stop lately. My roommate thinks I need an intervention it’s gotten so bad. Trust me, it’s an amazing distraction.
Start a new show on Netflix
I wrote an article on a bunch of shows you can binge watch on Netflix a while back, recently I’ve been obsessed with Gilmore Girls. Starting a new show is the ULTIMATE way to avoid all responsibility.
Watch a movie
Pretty simple, but if you think of it, that’s over an hour of wasted time!
Go on Social Media
Just keep scrolling through Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, and time will fly by.
Also pretty simple, but i know many people who like eating when they’re stressed, and it may be nice for your friends to see you during finals week to make sure everyone is still alive, because lets face it, you never know.
Bother Your Roommate
This one is my personal favorite. Chances are, you’re both procrastinating, so I suggest annoying your roommate. Throw things, make strange noises, just be as annoying as possible. You entertain yourself, and get to see their reaction to you just being an idiot. I love you Chrissy, I swear.
If all else fails, you can always sleep too.