I, like several people, suffer from procrastination. I wish I wasn't like this, but it’s in my blood. My mother and her mother also suffered from this awful way of life.
I have tried and tried to improve and work ahead only to find myself even more behind. I need that little monster on my back at all times, or I will lay on the couch even longer! I wish it wasn’t this way.
I have peers who work far, far in advance, but I never understand why they would do such a thing. Don’t they get tired of other deadlines, do they ever socialize, do they ever take naps??
Procrastination might suck when it’s midnight at the library but watching a whole season of Greys (which I have already seen before) was totally worth it… right?
1. Professor gives you your project
It is two weeks away. I have other assignments to do and other social events I must attend! I have plenty of time to work on it this weekend. Plus I am still working on my other assignments due way before this one.
2. Only uses a laptop on the weekend for Netflix
I have had a long week! A Cosmo quiz told me I don’t give myself enough time to relax so no work on the weekends, right?
3. Sunday Scaries
I honestly am so worn out from my busy, busy social life. Can’t I just have a break and lay horizontal for a day?? Plus I have a Dr. Jart face mask I have been dying to use.
4. Professor offers to look at drafts during office hours
I know, I know. I always say I am going to go to office hours and get my professors excellent advice and feedback on my project, but this time I am going to do it!
5. Library session
I may or may not going to hang out with my friends and look at the hot boys that happen to be studying too. Ooh, and Starbucks, I haven’t been there for at least two days. I deserve a $4 specialty drink!
6. Sunday Scaries 2.0
Okay, I don’t even know what I did this weekend. I guess I'll look at my Snapchat for evidence? Weird, it says I was only at Two Keys...
7. Week project is due
Frick, I didn’t go to office hours.
8. 48 hours
OK, I can do half now and half tomorrow. No biggie. I have nothing else to do but do this so let's get to it gfriend.
9. 24 Hours
Or, I can do it all today, I guess. Not ideal but I had such a busy weekend (laying around eating pizza all day). I needed a day recovery from doing nothing and stalling!!
10. 4 a.m. at the library
Finally finished! I knew I could do it. I work way better under pressure anyway. I feel great. Woohoo, go me!! I don't need a lot of sleep anyway.
11. Misses class from sleep deprivation