December is finally here, which means decorations are officially going up! Who doesn’t love a good gingerbread house to spread Christmas cheer? But as you have come to learn in the past, cookies are not the most ideal building material. Despite this, you see the kit at the store and know that this year will be different from the others. Your creation will definitely look like the picture on the box!
You bought the kit, you’re at home, and you’re ready to start building! Fingers crossed that there is no struggle and everything goes smoothly. You still have hope that it’s going to be the best Christmas decoration in the house!
The directions on the back of the box look simple enough. Now that you think about it, who needs the directions? It's not like you're building a rocket ship. You can just throw the box away and wing it!So you have all the gumdrops and peppermint balls set out on the table, and it is time to build. Once you start laying down the icing foundation and sticking the walls together, you fall into deep concentration. All of a sudden it goes from Christmas cheer to a competition between you and the gingerbread house. You are dedicated to completing this house, whether it wants to stay up or not. Who decided icing would be a good way to keep a house together?
Why does the roof keep sliding off of the walls? Why won’t the gingerbread men stand up on their own? Candy and gummies aren’t meant to be stuck to a gingerbread house! Nothing is sticking and it looks like the gingerbread house has been through a category five hurricane. Who actually eats gingerbread houses anyway? If only you had kept those directions...
All hope is crushed. So is your house. You gave into the aggravation and your gingerbread house represents Christmas gone wrong. The walls have caved in, the roof never stuck in the first place, and you might as well just dip all of the decorations in the icing and eat them. Don’t they make plastic gingerbread houses that light up and play music? You should just buy that instead. Maybe next Christmas will be your year to finally master the art of gingerbread house making!