Whenever we have free time available to relax, we either read a book (often on a Kindle) or watch TV. While it is true that we turn our attention to TV shows to escape the real world, there are several programs that are just bizarre, dumb, and repulsive. It is unclear why teens and young adults would watch these programs with obnoxious people, instead of something informative or educational. The most upsetting thing (besides the fact that these programs exist) is how these shows portray stereotypes and have a negative influence in society.
The days when shows did not need alcohol, drama, pregnancies, or cheaters to get people to watch them are long gone.
In the past, viewers watched sitcoms on channels like ABC and TeenNick. These channels featured programs for families with funny characters, modern settings, and conflict-driven plots. Now the teenagers of those parents are growing up with shows that are the complete opposite.
Teens and young adults who watch reality TV are being exposed to stereotypes and inappropriate behavior. MTV used to display music videos that people could enjoy. Now with advanced technology, millennials are listening to music on electronic devices, and MTV replaced the music videos with televised poison.
According to BBC, the reality TV show "Jersey Shore" stereotypes Italian-Americans and turns the culture into a joke. Like other programs, "Jersey Shore" makes viewers believe that displaying a manipulative, fame-hungry, dramatic, crude, and party-obsessed cast is somehow considered entertainment.
Reality TV is an addiction like drugs, alcohol, video games, and social media.
Just like people can become addicted to vices like drugs, alcohol, and video games, reality TV can be added to that list. The shows are often scripted and they create enough drama to keep attracting viewers to watch more.
These shows often put viewers out of touch with reality. At times it can be difficult trying to figure out which reality TV show is real or fake.
Some of these programs that are real will display stories that are unpredictable, interesting, and emotional. However, the shows that seem to get the most attention are the fake reality shows, where these programs feature actors and scenarios that trick viewers into believing it is all real.
Believe it or not, it is actually possible to succeed in life without wealthy parents and/or a reality show.
Besides portraying stereotypes, reality TV gives the impression that success comes from having money, looking attractive, and being carefree. There are also secrets that the producers of these shows keep hidden from viewers.
More of these reality TV shows are being created yearly, and it's messed up knowing that many young Americans recognize the people on these programs more than famous icons of history and science. If television viewers that watch these absurd shows ever want a real dose of reality, they should turn off the TV and either read a newspaper or look out their window.